Hunter Hanley,


I became a member at Holy Comforter in 1990. At the time I was looking for an Episcopal church to join and visited several in the Towson area. When I first visited Holy Comforter, I attended the 8:00 service and Janice was preaching. What good fortune for me; not only was the sermon eloquent and passionate, but a woman was preaching! I knew then I’d found my church home. And Holy comforter is a home for me. I am now an eight-o-clocker, but I spent many years attending the 10:00 service. No matter where I am, the chapel or the church, I feel the peace and warmth of the Holy Spirit all around me.

Throughout my time at Holy Comforter I’ve taught most of the Sunday School age groups, including Rite 13. I have been a member of altar guild for at least 20 years and a member of the flower guild for about 15 years. For a few years I took my turn hosting coffee hour. Most recently I have been active in the Food For Thought ministry. It is through volunteering for Food For Thought that I’ve been most in awe of our congregation and inspired by the consistent selflessness everyone demonstrates each month in preparing and delivering the backpacks. I look forward to this next step in my spiritual journey, serving on the vestry, and I am honored to do so.

I have been the reading specialist at The Bryn Mawr School for the past 18 years, and prior to that I was at home with my children. Paul and I have two boys, both recent college graduates. John Marshall works as a financial analyst in Minneapolis and Claude (Speedy) is pursuing a masters in theology at Notre Dame. In my free time I enjoy reading, walking and hiking, cooking, gardening, yoga, needlepoint and spending time with my family and friends.

To contact Hunter Hanley, , please contact the office